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Will You Be My Neighbor?



Have you ever walked your neighborhood and thought, "Man I'm lucky to live here?"


Before we bought the farm, we lived in a funky little area of town. That's a nice way of saying our neighbors were a mix of millennials who didn't have "real" jobs" and retirees with lots of cats and manicured gardens. It was pretty ideal (other than that one lady who walked her cat in a very expensive baby carrier every day and wouldn't say hi to anyone).


I kinda miss our old neighborhood. The little depression-era houses and the old oak trees had a sense of groundedness that just felt like home. It was also nice that Starbucks was only two miles away.


This quilt block is a celebration of the places that feel like home, even if they're just in your memory,


What you get:

  • A PDF of the 12" quilt block pattern


What you don't get:

  • A weird neighbor who walks her cat in a baby carrier


Combine this block with the Reversible Flower and Persimmon Spice blocks to make a super-scrappy quilt that will make you never want to leave the house again (assuming you currently want to leave the house. I don't judge).